Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
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What do you shoot episodes with?
What do you shoot episodes with?
Seasons 1-3 were shot with an old iPhone SE and Season 4 switched to a Canon Vixia HF R500
What do you use to edit episodes?
What do you use to edit episodes?
For Seasons 1 through 4, I used a free online video editor called Clipchamp Create: https://app.clipchamp.com
Season 5 episodes are edited with Adobe Premiere Pro.
How can I contribute to the production of ManHeat?
How can I contribute to the production of ManHeat?
Please reach out via any of the means below and tell me what you have in mind.
For financial contributions, I have several options including Venmo, PayPal and Gumroad. All links here.
Are you out of your mind?
Are you out of your mind?